My First Love - Was Its Really That Great?

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Now I know that from the title of this post you may have thought twice before reading it, with its cliched Nicholas Sparks kind of title. Although today I may be talking about some heartbreak, fond memories and getting my hopes up (not boy related obviously) but over my first ever foundation. I mean what else is a staple in every girls make-up bag? A foundation. Like the name implies its our first step of becoming young adults and the first step of understanding the art of makeup.  Such a naive time of our lives when our mums, grannies and aunts finally accepted we where growing up and let us paint our faces.

Back in the day when I was just a little 12/13 year old I was never allowed anything more than clear mascara and eyebrow gel, but girls where already experimenting with their Elizabeth Arden creme foundations from 11. So it made me pretty envious back then (poor 12 year old me), how those girls where allowed to make their faces 10x's browner than their neck and I wasn't. I guess now looking back I'm grateful for being forced to wait till I could actually make sense of blending and colour matching to my actual skin tone. I learned that the hard way when I used my half Indian mothers foundation to school one day (obviously once I left the house), and from the neck down I was snow white with a snooki like facial complexion. 

So when I finally hit 14 my aunt (who is like the reason I'm obsessed with all things make up and fashion) took me shopping like she always did every saturday, but this time proposed we went to the Benefit counter. At the time I thought it was her -even though she's a bare minerals lover- but it wasn't till I sat down on the chair and the girl asked me what kind of coverage I wanted. I was all like GDSUFSDKF is this for real? So ended up the girl put this amazing foundation on my face and boom I actually looked like a little princess. The coverage was amazing, it was easy to use, went well on my skin and overall just looked flawless (to 14 year old me). So 5 years later and in the black friday sales I stoated over to the Benefit section in boots and grabbed one, just to see if it was really everything I loved before. 

So I sat down in front of my huge mirror on Friday night before a gig and got ready for the first impression, 5 years later. I had no fake tan on so I figured I would wash then prep my skin with the little testers the girl in boots had given me for free. Ive always used the Porefessional and I have the regular size one but I can't complain when its for nothing. So anyway now my skin was ready I wasn't sure whether to apply it straight on or just use a brush (was honestly so nervous incase it was horrible). So it got planted straight on my face 5 lines at most and then blended out with my Make Up Revolution blending sponge.

I mean it gave coverage as I expected but it wasn't as amazing as I thought it used to be, but know I'm used to liquid foundations maybe that was the problem? It gave a dewy finish but was also quite heavy on my skin. I wore the foundation all night through alcohol inflicted activities and sweating when we were in the gig. To be fair it stayed put and never slid off my face, which was probably what spotty 14 year old me loved. Its a great foundation overall for starting off with and maybe using on nights out, but not everyday because it can feel quite heavy

A couple of days later I figured I could mix it up a little bit and play around with the foundation stick in ways I hadn't before, testing it for other uses. I put on my Rimmel Lasting Finish 25 hour foundation in shade 303 (thats my fake tan go to foundation, holy grail I swear) and used the Playstick as a highlight shade under my eyes, the forehead, nose and all the usual places and my MAC Studio Finish concealer in NW40 as a contour shade. Blended all that in and I'm being honest I think I've found my new christmas routine for my face. It went no where, stayed put, kept the tones and any highlight powder was stuck on there as well.

Im thinking the moral to this love story is that 14 year old just assumed this was the only level of coverage and staying power there was in the world. Then 5 years on and many foundation routines later realised that she could use the old and blend it with the new, for that ideal party coverage. Overall Benefit are a great brand for the makeup shy people, the inexperienced and the pro's, this foundation is definitely going into my memory box and staying there.  So comment below, tweet or email me to let me know what your first foundation was, I mean why not go out and buy it and see what you think now (i dare you). As always you'll find everything spoke about today linked below with the best price possible. If you have any questions or need to get a hold of me please don't hesitate to do so.  Have a great day and I'll speak to you tomorrow

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