Decorate Your Space ft Me In A New Light

Thursday, 26 November 2015

So I'm always picking up things here and there for my bedroom to make it all that little bit more homely. But recently I've noticed I've picked up more than usual (for me anyway). My room is mainly white and silver, so I like to make the most out of bold pieces round my room here and there. Anything from mosaic pieces, classical picture frames to hollywood inspired lighting. So its not like a full room tour, or like my bed or bedding its mainly just little nick naks that will go with anything and are super cheap that I've bought recently.

Uhmmm where to start.. this is always the hard part!!!

Oh yeah, so basically I'd say this home improvement thing started when I was coming to the realisation there wasn't any space left for my make up brushes (as you'll see by previous posts I've went a bit over board recently..) so I needed more ways to organise them. I live like a 2 minute drive from a B&M so I went down there just with the intention of buying like a cute mason jar for the time being, then ordering some clear acrylic ones? But one thing lead to another and I was looking for vases (completely off subject I know) and I was stuck between a longer one and this little short stumpy one (apparently a hurricane candle holder lol). Eventually I bought them both, well actually two of the stumpier ones and look what i did with them;
Pretty clever huh? I just shoved some smart price rice till about 1/2 of the way up in each vase and vallah, some super sparkly make up brush holders. Once I got them I went on a little shop and obviously I spotted something else. Which was this silver vintage ( i want to say baroque but i know thats not the word I'm looking for) 6x4 frame. ;

So lately I've been feeling a little bit sorry for myself and down in the dumps (no violins please.), just felt like a needed a lil bit of motivation. So where else to put that lovely inspiration than sat right night to me on my desk in that amazing silver frame. The quote in the photo frame is actually from TK Maxx for like 7.99 (so is the silver frame) in this cute little cut out card book thing, which can be framed and they have all sorts of sizes.  Ive managed to pop the other 6x4 quotes and picture in one of my collage photo frames, I've not finished it yet but ill pop an image on twitter so you can see.

So this is the part where you're probably going to find me a little pathetic or feel like "why am i reading this, omg srsly". So as most of you know I'm just a standard 19 year old, one year away from twenty and two away from being an actual adult in every country. I've never made this confession before and I don't think anyone really except my immediate family and closest friends (and even then its probably only grant) know. But from the age of like 6 I've been terrified from the dark, like I literally will sit there for like 10 seconds and just assume something in the corner going to eat me and Ill just turn round and put the dim light on my Illuminated beauty mirror back on.  So I really want to get over this fear, urghhh and so I've been buying fairy lights and little bits here and there from Primark to try and ease my way into it. So I've substituted these little ideas instead;

Okay so please hold back the gasps and the laughter, but even if you're just looking for that cosy lighting in the winter now that the dark nights are coming in, these little lighting ideas are ideal. So the little rose fairy lights from Primark where only £4-6 I believe and I've popped them into a B&M perfume bottle that I had from my old flat just to add a cluster of light (while looking like a bouquet at the same time).  Primark are actually rocking the home decor these days so I just couldn't wait to get my hands on this light which I had been waiting a lifetime for here in Glasgow. They have lots of things to choose from like shapes and words like this one ranging from £10 - 12.

So there you go, a little home haul for you guys for quirking up little areas around the home or your bedroom. Aswell as that you've got a little inside scoop as to how I'm a big fearty, but I'm trying to fix it while I can. Comment below or tweet me and let me know your weirdest and strongest fears, just so I don't feel so alone. As usual everything mentioned in todays blog will be linked below ( as best as I can, yeno what primarks like)for you to check out. If you've got any questions or you'd like to collaborate with me please drop me an email, tweet or comment. I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll speak to you soon.

Twitter: HauteBothered_
Instagram: Haute_Bothered

Useful Links: B&M Makeup Brush Holder (ie candle holder) , The exact version on ebay (the one from B&M should be in store if not online, Illuminated Mirror CompanyLove Light

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  1. I want them all! Gotta love home decor :P

  2. It is a great website.. The Design looks very good.. Keep working like that!. cheap price


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